Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Chineham Pale Ale's Drinking Well

After 8 days in the fermenter, on Saturday night I switched off the heating/cooling to the FV to allow the yeasticles to drop out.  Not that this is necessary with Fullers yeast as this stuff drops like a stone once it's done its job. 

Overnight the Pale Ale dropped in temperature to about 12C and was casked.  I filled two pins and also added 50g of sugar and 10g of Styrian Goldings to each.  These I've got conditioning in the kitchen for a few days and they'll be moved somewhere cooler towards the end of the week.

As luck would have it, I managed to get another 2 gallons or so out of the FV and into a third pin for drinking.  This one is in the utility room set up on the beer engine and is drinking very nicely thank you very much!


  1. Sounds good!

    Will it last until the 20th ? ;)

  2. Let's hope so!

    I have already polished off the half pin :o)

  3. Andy, I wouldn't hold your breath!

  4. I might have to brew this weekend just in case.

  5. Good man, I think it would be prudent :)
